10/11/24 15:11
The Fall separated man from God. The at-one-ment joins man to God. In Adam all die in their souls and spirits. In Christ all are made alive in their soul and spirit. In Christ we participate in Christ’s participation in the trinity. It is by Christ that God engulfs us in His Communion and in Christ that our being is interwoven into God. Life in the Spirit is different to an embedded life in the knowledge of good and evil/law. It is consistent, deep, comprehensive and holistic.
We are not initially Godly by things we do, by rites we perform or beliefs we hold. Although it is beneficial to believe the truth and not believe any variation of Satan’s lies. The truth is that we are being healed, we are being made whole, we are being formed into our true identity as daughters and sons as beings actually woven into God by God. The spirit of sonship is mediated to us directly by Christ. Not by the law, intervening motions, stipulations or observances. Our union with God is Christ. Our agency for Christ and His life in this life comes from our living the eucharist.
When living as an expression of Christ, we will not cheat, lie steal, sow division or betray people. As agents of Christ we will assist the poor and take in the disinherited. We will not betray nations that are being bullied and attacked by aggressors.
“Torrance sees in the .. Chalcedonian notion of participation an assertion of a direct communion without mediating causes. This same idea is presented or reclaimed by Calvin when he writes that ‘all nature, and the gifts and endowments of man, depend for their being upon the immediate agency of God through His Spirit and His Word.” (1) So lets not suffocate our oneness with God by specious additions and deviant gospels.
This is what Paul means by ‘It is not I who lives, but Christ who lives in me.’ It’s what Jesus means by ‘Realize that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you’ and what Jesus accomplished by the at-one-ment so that our inheritance is ‘I have the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one’ Oneness with God is not presumption. It’s the glory that is ours in oneness with Father. This is your life and this is you as a daughter or son expressing His nature – a holy, whole life in the everyday.
You were made to live in God. As a result of the cross, the resurrection, the incarnation which is life in the Spirit, you do. You do if you believe you do. Not if your mind has been made captive by a false gospel or a false christ or the chains of legalism. Here you have an inheritance. But you have left it in the ground.
(1) Myk Habets, Theosis in the Theology of Thomas Torrance, p 43.