Ghan at Marla SA



We have direct and immediate access to God in Jesus Christ. God has not given us the law or religion to make us sons and daughters of God. He has given us Jesus Christ to be embodied in us by the Spirit. We have become sons/daughters by adoption and we grow into the fullness of sons/daughters because Christ is our life. Here are some of the foundational truths of post cross, new creation life.

1 The Holy Trinity is the absolute ground and grammar of all epistemology, theology, Being and worship.
2 The primacy of God’s triune life is grounded in love, for “God is love.”
3 There is one covenant of grace.
4 God is primarily covenantal and not contractual in his dealings with humanity.

There is no abstract rendition of goodness that is separate from Christ. Christ is our life not as a religion but as Himself. He is life as logos, meaning the law of the spirit of life. Christ is our life because in Him the trinity lives in us and in Him we commune with the trinity. In communion with the trinity we are included in the life of God as persons and made one with the earth and its purpose in the logos of God. In communion with the trinity we take on their nature. The name of this nature is sons/daughters of God. As we live in this union, we impart His life to tour life together and to the challenges of everyday living.

Thomas Torrance writes, “
Since in Jesus Christ God himself has come into our human being and united our human nature to his own, then atoning reconciliation takes place within the personal Being of the Mediator.” We have been included in God’s Oneness Family.

“In Jesus Christ the Creator Word and Son of God incarnate, his Person and his Work are one. What he does is not something separate from his personal Being and what he is in his own incarnate Person is the mighty Act of God's love for our salvation. Christ and his Gospel belong ontologically and inseparably together, for that is what he is, he who brings, actualises and embodies the Gospel of reconciliation between God and man and man and God in his own Person.” Christ is His Gospel and He is our grace and sanctification. In Jesus we are incarnated with God.

“In him the Incarnation and Atonement are one and inseparable, for atoning reconciliation falls within the incarnate constitution of his Person as Mediator, and it is on that ground and from that source that atoning reconciliation embraces all mankind and is freely available to every person.” Jesus Christ draws all things into Himself. You are your true self in Christ and find your proper relationship to self, others, society, polity and Earth in the person of Jesus Christ.
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The Trinity in You