11/11/24 09:56
Children are usually concrete thinkers. They advance from locked and concrete modes of thinking to conceptual thinking that marks the transition from childhood to adulthood.
As we advance in our journey it becomes apparent that spirituality is less an intellectual pursuit and more our entering into a state of being – of being one with God. In the atonement/incarnation we realise our inheritance of oneness with God, relax into a life-long Sabbath rest in Christ and enjoy the adventure of being an expression of Jesus Christ and a manifestation of the trinity. which is to say sons of God.
As has been suggested, law has a place. Richard Rohr observes, “Law, tradition, and boundaries—what I call ‘Order’—seem to be necessary in any spiritual system both to reveal and to limit our basic egocentricity. Such containers make at least some community, family, and marriage possible. Boundaries seem to be the only way that human beings can find a place to stand, a place to begin, a place from which to move out. Even those who think they don’t have any boundaries usually do. We discover them when we trespass against them. The human soul flourishes on solid ground, especially in the first years of life.
“As Paul belabours in his Letter to the Romans (see especially chapters 2–7), the law is given for the sake of information, education, and transformation, but is not itself enlightenment. Even though allegiance to boundaries, limits, and laws is almost universally confused with religion and even salvation itself, “the law will not save anyone” (Galatians 3:11). Law has to do with the pattern of how transformation happens—and that’s all. The struggle with boundaries and law creates the wrestling ring, but is not, itself, the encounter or the victory.” But law is not alive. It does not transform, even though it may describe what transformation may look like it is not life. Not life because Christ is our life.
It’s not surprising that many have reduced their Christianity to a version of the knowledge of good and evil, ‘with Jesus’ help’. It is advanced as the solution to abuse, drug addiction, alcoholism and a myriad of degradations. But this is not the way of grace or of a transformed life. Jesus is the Way by becoming us from within. The law of the spirit of life is Jesus.
I have known people who despise poetry and label anything deeper than mechanical behaviour as ‘touchy-feely.’ They look down on those who are moved by great literature and insightful movies. Possibly because they are not human beings as yet. We reduce ourselves when baptised in black and white dualistic thinking. But the mind of Christ includes us in God as daughters and sons.
In Christ we graduate from the school of law/ externalities into life itself*. When we make this transition it is because we have embraced the treasure in the field, the pearl of great price that is Christ our life. It’s a treasure because now life is expressed as us on account of Jesus incarnate in our being. In Christ our life we are graced into union with God, Adam is undone and become human to the max in the person of Jesus. Let’s be clear. Grace is not a method of keeping the law. Grace is the mystery revealed as Christ as you.
‘But what does Scripture say? "Get rid of the slave woman and her son, for the slave woman's son will never share in the inheritance with the free woman's son’” Gal 4.30 NIV.
The Free Woman’s sons are the son of God – sons of the Bride of Christ. The Bride is she (the church) who has come forth from the side of Christ. Union, oneness, communion and a flow of spirit and life manifesting in us, is the essence of the Bride’s post cross life in God.
We need to live sonship to be human.
Some believers never emerge from the law. They even make a religion out of it. This leaves them undeveloped as persons and limits their sonship to what Paul describes as workaholism and slavery. He says in Galatians that children of the law will never enter their inheritance. This inheritance is a fullness of sonship by the One Spirit, which is sonship in spirit and in truth. Jesus in conversation with the woman at the well implied that genuine worship was to be daughters and sons in this mode of oneness, which is spirit and truth. Spirit and truth is an authentic state of being in which we are alive in our proper place of union with God. Christ is in you and with you so that you are alive and in life.
*The foundation of the cosmos is not law. It is Trinity.